This is a space for anything I want to publish.
I'm curious what that will be.

A detailed guide to automating the installation of Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.
Random terminal colors help you keep an overview in the Task Bar.
How to access an Airport's free WiFi with its captive portal despite the fact that your Laptop uses DNS over HTTPS and withstands the Airport's "hacking" attempts.
How to display todo items in the notification list in Ubuntu 18.04. This is nice because they can be easily viewed and removed.
Every now and again, I need to use this. So here it is written down for future use: The command to copy files from my (rooted, but root is not necessary) android phone over wifi to my PC using rsync.
A working hello world GUI written in rust (edition 2018). This is a modified collection of several official code samples. Now it works outside their own crate.
Here's how to quick-start with my javascript library, Brotkeys.
Transform an existing website into a website that is also navigateable without reaching over to the mouse.
Understanding how Mifare Classic RFID Cards' permission bits work - a braindump with an example and documentation references.
A step-by-step guide on how to find the ip address of a directly-connected ethernet device.
An intricate-when-you-want-it-to system to turn latin characters into runes and back. It makes for a hard but smooth puzzle solving experience. I recommend the read to any Dungeon Master whose players love puzzles - but adjust the difficulty to your players!
A few CTF challenge writeups for the BjörnCTF 2020 - the first time the CTF team of VIS hosted a CTF themselves.
I joined up with the organizers of BjörnCTF who in turn joined up with several other teams to qualify at the 0CTF/TCTF Quals 2020. This is my writeup of the first "cloud computing" challenge.
A python script to find the remaining possible solutions, after you have attempted a few times. Here's what I learnt while writing it.